Redesigning the Digital Front End of Your Workflow
In our previous emails, we touched upon two pillars of your firm’s digital transformation: to implementing an effective information governance policy for both your paper and electronic documents as well as how to structure your off-site records storage agreements to facilitate the cost-effective destruction of paper records held in storage.
The third pillar of your firm’s digital transformation is to redesign the digital front end of your workflow.
How can firms take existing paper-based processes and get them into the digital pipeline to be effectively distributed, managed, and purged with the goal of eventually reducing your off-site records storage to zero?
The right digital front end is key to becoming paper-less and eventually getting out of the black hole of off-site records storage.
Key components/questions for this discussion are:
- How do you handle incoming mail? How do you implement a digital mail system?
- How do you handle documents created outside of your system?
- What workflow software is best for the specifics of your law firm?
- What should be digitized and what shouldn’t be?
- What about the thousands of boxes stored off-site – is it worth it to withdrawal and scan?
Mattern has the answers – as well as the industry’s most comprehensive unbiased approach to firms’ digital transformation that includes all the key pillars that uphold it.
If this is the direction you want your law firm to go, let’s set up a time to talk about your firm’s digital transformation.