Your IG Roadmap on Your Digital Transformation Journey
Last week, we outlined a plan to incorporate an off-site records storage strategy into your firm’s digital transformation. This week, we’re taking a closer look at the information governance component of your firm’s digital transformation, an area where Mattern can provide a proven successful roadmap.
Information Governance is mission critical, especially as firms continue distributed workflows with new collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams. Data governance, privacy, compliance, and security make or break businesses, create market advantage or threaten market reputation at a significant cost.
The volume of data and new data types firms must govern has leadership unable to sufficiently wrap their arms around their data, let alone implement policy. Firms struggle with getting the right footing and how to start.
Here are some areas your firm should be reviewing:
- Identifying electronic data stores, supporting workflows, and tools for purging redundant, outdated, and trivial information (ROT)
- Creating a digital workflow for physical records conversion
- Establishing a program to implement retention policies
- Technology recommendations that facilitate compliance across electronic and physical records
- Reducing costs associated with off-site storage, service delivery, permanent withdrawal and destruction
- Analyzing contractual terms to address the firm’s short and long-term goals for reducing off-site storage
IG is vital to your overall digital journey. Let’s set up a time to talk about your firm’s IG roadmap.
Resources to help you:
Mattern Helps Holland & Knight Reduce Current Costs by 34.5% and Permanent Withdrawal Fees by $1 Million While Incorporating Information Governance Goals
Am Law 100 Firm Achieves Compliance and Savings by Implementing Formal Information Governance Program
Mattern Assists Regional Firm in Implementing Effective Information Governance